
Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration

About Trademark Registration

Trademark in India is registered by the controller general of patents design and trademarks. Logos are registered under trademark Act. 1999 and trademark owner has right to sue for any loss of revenue or reputation when infringements of trademark occur.

Trademark is any unique name of products or services that can be differentiated from others it may be a logo, graphic, photograph, word, sound or even smell. A company should register its brand name or logo.

A registered trademark is an intellectual property for a company and is used to protect the company's investment in the brand. Trademark registration enables owners to establish right to the trademarks easily in the court proceeding and earn royalties or recover the loss from the illegal user of a registered trade mark.

Trade mark Act supersedes all other laws related to brand name protection. A trademark search is easy, and you can quickly check whether it can be registered with the same name, to check if your brand name matches with existing brands. You can quickly register your trademark or logo within 3-4 working days.

Packages includes following

Trademark Research : A thorough search & research of the TM directory with a registration class.

Drafting of authorization letter : We will draft authorization letter to file a trademark application on the behalf of brand owner

Discussion for Registration : Advice on the classes you need to apply under trademark act.

Final Application & Advice on Logo registration : After Client approval on trademark class of registration and we will file a final application for the trademark.

Regular notification : You will receive updates until registration is done.

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